Engage and lend a hand

srijeda, 1. juli 2020.

I would like to start this letter with one of my favorite quotes from St. Agostino: ”a person is like an angel with one wing, to fly high you need to lend a hand”. For me it is clear that nobody can succeed alone, we need to work together.  

We are a group of diverse and professional people and with engagement, commitment and fellowship we can make lasting change.

Rotary made me a different person and I realized that the more I give the more it gives back. By helping other people ,in reality, I helped myself to become a better person, professionally and personally. My hope, for our club members and friends of our club, is that you embrace Rotary, join our activities and at the same time have fun. Yes, because Rotary is also fun and enables you to build long lasting friendships.

So let´s engage and lend a hand, we are people of action and together, we make the difference