Humanity: “Being a good person does not depend on your religion, status in life, race, skin color, political views or culture. It depends on how you treat others.”

nedjelja, 1. juli 2012.

Marcel Isler, President Rotary Club Zurich Belvoir International

Dear Fellow Rotarians

Each human being is born into this world without the possibility to choose under which circumstances he or she will grow up, exist. This fact is given by life itself.

To a certain degree our parents carry the responsibility to make sure that some kind of basic framework is given to ensure our well being as children, to provide us with a good, solid education enabling us to lead a decent way of life and consequently allowing us to shape our future. In most western civilizations this is by all means granted. We can consider ourselves fortunate.

However not everybody is born with a honey pot within their grasp. Thousands of men, woman and children are living under conditions which are poverty stricken and degrading.

Under these circumstances I see it as our duty as committed and engaged Rotarians to embrace the idealistic idea of humanity which encloses the fundamental equality of all people of every origin, age, race and gender.

I understand it as our obligation to go the extra mile and try to help wherever we can, so that people who are not as fortunate as we are could also be given the opportunity to reach out and share the taste of the honey. And I don’t mean unserviceable development aid where nobody knows if and how the given help contributes to a better cause.

Much more I am thinking of letting us consciously live solidarity and helpfulness by being the change ourselves which we wish to see in the world. Lead by example and act accordingly.

Following the words of former RI President K. Banerjee, to achieve anything in this world, we have to use all our resources we can to draw on. And the only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves. We need to discover ourselves, develop the strengths within ourselves, and then without hesitation and with full determination, go forth and encircle the world, embrace humanity.

Such a behavior will also endorse the Rotarian Four Way Test by supporting the TRUTH, being FAIR to all involved, build GOODWILL and FRIENDSHIP between the concerned and be BENEFICIAL to everybody, even though in different ways.

Closing I would like to wish all Fellow Rotarians lots of pleasure, satisfaction and success in their endeavours in supporting our cause. As Joseph Cambell, American author and professor (1904-1987) once said: "One way or another, we all have to find what best forsters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to do that".

I'm looking forward to the fellowship and cooperation of our Club members during the upcoming meetings and events and I'm sure I can count on each and everybody’s much appreciated engagement and participation where requested – united we serve!

Yours sincerely,

Marcel Isler