I will focus on Fellowship, engaging all club members in our clubactivities and exchange our knowledge over generations in Rotary. I am humbled to serve our club and look forward to the assistance of...
Dearest Friends, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do”. Smile, as easy as is. Smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement, it brings rest to the weary, sunshine to...
I would like to start this letter with one of my favorite quotes from St. Agostino: ”a person is like an angel with one wing, to fly high you need to lend a hand”. For me it is clear that nobody can ...
Dear Fellow Rotarians and Friends, In the last few decades we haven’t stopped seeing new walls being built around the world, whether they are physical walls between nations, or economic ones due ...
Dear Fellow Rotarians, Dear Visitors, This year Rotarians across the world remain committed to making a difference. Indeed that is the annual theme of Rotary International President Ian Riseley f...
Dear Fellow Rotarians Each human being is born into this world without the possibility to choose under which circumstances he or she will grow up, exist. This fact is given by life itself. To a cert...
Dear Friends Fellow Rotarians “All you have shall someday be given, therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritor. It is well to give when asked, but it is bett...